Does University teach ethics or books?
Later last week, I went volunteering with autistic kids to play in Jungle Bungle, the most organizers and frequent coming people are either pharmacy or medicine students, and I heard the most shocking things, and worstly I saw the most discussing acts I never thought my generation would do it.
They youth of Jordan, the up to come generation, the future Dr.’s pharmacists, were unable to death with kids, coz simply they are discussed to deal with special needy kids, it’s the most shocking to hear, if they are autistic kids, clean, wearing neat clothes and they all come from good families, that God gave them this problem for a reason, and most of them sat on chairs saying it’s the most boring thing, and hating this volunteering. I am not saying that it is as easy as when its orphanage volunteering, but if you wanted to have fun you would, I took of my boots and entered the play area running after them, it was nice and a remembering to childish times. Those who actually ran with the kids and played with them were the happiest and enjoyed their times.
Many of these medicine students, spend their time discussing how they study for the exams, many had actually confessed they didn’t attend any lectures of some subjects, and was mad about getting C+ or a B, due to no taking attendance in the lectures, and also, they didn’t use BOOKS, but only studied students notes, as what seems the Dr.’s are well aware of this issue and they avoid getting things out of these papers, so everyone can pass. Where is the seek and find method? How can they make their mind to think? If it’s all from papers? And all to be with a name and have money!
I am not saying anything, but at least for my faculty we do have some marks for research to be done, so there is Dr’s to push us to go and look for answers, most my exams are think what’s the answer, and mostly to choose the best from all the right! It’s lacked among medicine students. Somehow I think all medical field students should take a course named Communication Skills; since most are discussed to deal with people, or have this thing called “I’m a Dr/Pharmacist” forgetting they are health care providers, forgetting they cannot live or have work without.

I don’t know if it’s a right or wrong way to have a parallel application to university fields, if we gave a chair to those with money study, and haven’t treated their Ego problem during university times, would they be able to work properly? Build properly? I’m not being against it nor pointing only to them, but also wondering if the university/community can accept those after their graduation? Or they just wish to get married and stay at home? “to raise the brides standards” or just to go work with his dad? Or their dad opens a project for himself under his son/daughter sertificat?
If most students finished school, and entered with their aim to look for love, place to hang out in, or to have the name Dr, or to wear the white lab-coat, and among the money spent over Shisha, Nescafe or cigarettes, cannot they provide us with a course to change our behavioral? If they answered community work! I’d say 10 hours are not enough, back in school we did 120hour per year, and it mad most of us leaders, but the shock was when at university rare chances to appear in, rare events, and if there is one believe me there would be an exam on the day after!
We do need a change, and actually I don’t think I’ll take my future children to some Dr who was at university a smoker, play boy, or even passed all years by C+ avg! nor I would go to a Dr who would wear gloves to see a pimple on someone’s face! Why don’t the current Dr’s make sure to pass the good ethics of their job? To pass the good skills we should have, if they graduated stubborn and with praid they will remain so! And we can say no longer good Dr’s at this area…
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